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Creating a Collaborative Social Media Platform for African Healthcare Practitioners

Analysis & User Story Documentation

User / Process Flow documentation

Wireframe / UI Design & Prototype

Project & Development Support


AxessHealth recognised the pressing need for healthcare professionals across Africa to collaborate effectively and share vital information. There was a lack of a dedicated platform for this collaboration to take place and this realisation led to the creation of the AxessHealth social media platform by founder Warren Hickinbotham, who envisioned it as a hub for healthcare practitioners to find work, engage in conferences, access webinars, complete Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses, and access a repository of patient brochures.

The project was divided into two major phases: the MVP launch and the ongoing development of Post-MVP features. What set AxessHealth apart was the introduction of a "Fields of Interest" system, which allowed users to customise their content feed based on their medical specialisations and areas of interest, offering a more personalised and relevant user experience.

My Role

I played a hybrid role as both a Business Analyst and a UI/UX Designer, with a major focus on design. My responsibilities included mapping out business processes, maintaining a backlog of user stories, wireframing, UI design, prototyping, and conducting usability testing for Post-MVP features. I also supported the development team during sprints by providing design guidance and answering implementation-related questions.

Problem Statement

The challenge was to create a scalable, secure social media platform that catered to the specific needs of healthcare professionals. This involved developing a robust user verification system to ensure only verified practitioners could join, while also building a seamless, intuitive interface that facilitated collaboration through posts, specialised feeds, and messaging.

The Approach

The project began with a comprehensive understanding of the behavioural conventions (how people would post and share content on a social media platform) and technical mechanisms used for social media platforms (messaging features, post creation, how feeds and notifications are set up). This knowledge was used to shape AxessHealth into a collaborative environment for healthcare practitioners.

During Sprint Zero (Design Sprint), in preparation for development, we set up a comprehensive design system to ensure that all design elements and components were ready and standardised before the first sprint started. This helped streamline the design process and provided the development team with consistent, reusable components right from the beginning.


The Process

During Sprint 1-3 the following process was followed:

  • Gathered and documented client requirements.

  • Mapped out user process flows and created user stories.

  • Designed medium-fidelity wireframes followed by high-fidelity UI designs.

  • Packaged designs with developer notes and provided ongoing support during development.

  • Conducted UAT, ensuring that design and usability were optimal before launch.


We collaborated closely with an Indian-based remote development team. To overcome language barriers, we provided detailed design documentation and specification artefacts, including user stories, wireframes, and process flows. These ensured clarity in communication and alignment between the design and development teams.


Post-MVP, the process shifted to include more design-focused sprints, followed by usability testing. Each sprint included:

  • Client requirement gathering and competitor analysis.

  • User flow mapping, wireframing, and high-fidelity UI designs.

  • Prototyping and usability testing with healthcare practitioners.

  • Incorporating feedback before packaging for development.

The Value Add

●    Launching on Schedule: The primary value added was a successful project launch on schedule, providing a solid foundation for future improvements and positioning the company for growth.

●    Agile Methodology Implementation: Implementing agile methodologies, managing a remote development team, and allowing for scope deviation led to efficient problem-solving and resource optimisation.

●    Ensuring Scalability: By implementing information architecture and a design system, the project was positioned for future growth without constraints, allowing AxesssHealth  to continue evolving and meeting the needs of healthcare practitioners  as they scale up with new features and solutions. 

The Insights and Lessons Learned

●    Clear Vision with Considered Deviation: Maintaining a clear project vision was essential, guiding the project's direction while allowing for informed deviations when necessary.

●    Collaboration and Communication for Success: Effective collaboration among stakeholders and transparent communication were instrumental in avoiding misunderstandings and managing expectations. Clear documentation bridged language barriers when working with remote developers.

●    Agile Development Approach: Agile methodologies facilitated a focused and efficient workflow. Timely and mangeable sprints encouraged prioritisation and provided opportunities for feedback and course correction in real time, allowing for focused feedback.

●    Building for Growth and Adaptability: Consideration of scalability from the project's inception ensured that the platform could accommodate growth, expanding features, and evolving market needs with minimal disruptions.

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