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Currency Partners

A Client Portal Redesign to Enhance Usability

Design System Creation

User / Process Flow documentation

Wireframe / UI Design 

Stakeholder Interviews


Currency Partners, a company in the financial sector, specializes in personal banking and international transfer facilitation. After a heuristic evaluation of their business and client portal, several usability and consistency issues were uncovered. They brought us on board to redesign the platform and address these challenges, ensuring that the solution would be functional, scalable, and future-proof for both desktop and mobile.

My Role

My responsibility was to create a new design system that not only promoted consistency and adhered to standard UI practices but also provided a scalable framework for any future development. I was tasked with drafting user flows, creating medium-fidelity wireframes, and designing high-fidelity UI mockups. I worked closely with the development team and the client to ensure the solution met their needs and was feasible within the platform's technical constraints.

Problem Statement

Currency Partners’ existing platform had inconsistencies in its user experience, causing friction in usability. There was a need to redesign the platform to align with best practices in UI design while ensuring scalability for future updates. The new designs had to accommodate both desktop and mobile, requiring careful consideration of responsive design elements.

The Process

  1. Initial Developer Consultation: The first step was meeting with the development team at Ocellics, who had built and maintained the platform. This collaboration was critical in identifying technical limitations within the platform’s structure, as it was a custom-built solution.

  2. User Flow Mapping & Design System Setup: Once limitations were identified, I mapped out user flows to streamline interactions and set up the design system. This system was designed to promote consistency and ensure that future development could easily integrate new features.

  3. Wireframes & UI Design: After establishing the design system, I created medium-fidelity wireframes that outlined the core structure and functionality. These were followed by high-fidelity UI designs that addressed the platform’s usability and visual consistency. I worked iteratively with the client and developers, incorporating feedback to ensure the designs met business needs while remaining technically feasible.

  4. Development Handoff: The final step was packaging the designs with detailed development notes. This included a complete design system library, which would assist the client in future platform enhancements and ensure scalability across all devices.

The Value Add

  • Scalable Design System: I created a robust design system that not only improved consistency and usability but also provided a scalable framework for future development.

  • Enhanced Usability: The redesigned platform significantly improved the user experience, making it easier to navigate and more intuitive for end-users.

The Insights and Lessons Learned

  • Accommodating Platform Limitations: Custom development solutions can come with specific constraints. It’s crucial to understand these limitations early on to ensure your designs are not only innovative but also feasible.

  • Communication is Key: Regular communication with both the client and the development team was essential in aligning the project goals and achieving a successful outcome

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